The Spilsby Sandstone aquifer consists of a variably but often poorly cemented quartz sandstone up to about 30 m thick with alternating thin clays and marls. Yields are typically about 80 l/sec. Construction and development of water supply boreholes in the Spilsby Sandstone can be problematic due to the poor cementation of the unit. It can be the source of springs where it outcrops at the western edge of its extent.
See also the Lower Greensand in the BGS lexicon of named rock units.
The Spilsby Sandstone is present in central and eastern Lincolnshire.
The Spilsby Sandstone dips gently north eastward. The base of the unit is typically at about 100 m above OD falling to about 200 m below OD near the mouth of the Humber.
Please contact BGS Enquiries for more information.