This book and map have been produced by the British Geological Survey (BGS) with funding from the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) and the Mendip Hills AONB Service. The authors, designers and cartographers are based at the British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham.
The text was produced by Andy Farrant, Mark Woods and Elaine Burt, with additional text and images from Sharon Pilkington and John Knight (both from Nicholas Pearson Associates) who provided information on the wildlife and biodiversity of Mendip, while Ian Thomas (National Stone Centre) provided data on the aggregates industry including the detailed quarry history.
Thanks are also due to the late John Cornwell, who provided much information on the industrial archaeology of the region, and who sadly passed away during the production of this guide. Paul Stevenson (Palaeoscene) produced the artwork, and the figures were drawn by Paul Lappage (BGS). The University of Bristol Spelaeological Society is thanked for permission to reproduce figures from their Proceedings.
The website was designed and produced by Adrian Minks, Gemma Pumpr and Ailsa Napier.
Thanks are due to members of the Mendip Society, the Somerset Geology Group, the local Wildlife Trusts and the Mendip Hills AONB office including Jim Hanwell, Jim Hardcastle, Hugh Prudden, Richard Bull, Mike Simms, Martin Whiteley, John Chapman and Lin Carter, who kindly read some of the text or provided useful comments.
The website was edited by Mark Barron and Joanna Thomas, BGS, Keyworth. Photographs were taken by Andy Farrant, Sharon Pilkington, Elaine Burt, Paul Witney, Adrian Minks, Mike Simms, Martin Whiteley (Barrisdale Ltd), Peter Glanvill, Chris Binding and Tessa Knight. Photographs taken by BGS staff are all in the BGS collection. High quality prints can be obtained from BGS photographic services. BGS photographic materials are © NERC.
Photographs courtesy of the Somerset Geodiversity Audit, (funded by the GAAAQ Somerset MIST Project) were taken by Steve Parkhouse, Clive Nicolas, David Allen David Roche and Peter Scott, are © David Roche GeoConsulting.
This website has been prepared by the British Geological Survey with funding from the Sustainable Land-Won and Marine Dredged Aggregate Minerals Programme (SAMP) funded through the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as part of the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF), administered by the Mineral Industry Research Organisation for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
This publication and references within it to any methodology, process, service, manufacturer, or company do not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) or the Minerals Industry Research Organisation.