Little Bucket Farm

This well is used to measure water level in the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation.

Our enquiries service can help you to access groundwater level data for this well.



Show data from :-
1971 to 2020 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

Information about the well

Little Bucket Farm
Wellmaster ID TR14/9
NGR 6122 1469
Datum 87.33 m AOD
Monitoring details
Type Groundwater Level
Aquifer Chalk
Confinement Unconfined
Depth 31.33 m
Monitored by EA Southern
Records commence 1971
Records end Active

Map of Little Bucket Farm showing geology and water level contours

Hydrogeological setting

This well measures water levels in the Chalk aquifer of Kent, which is unconfined at this site. It is dug into the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation overlain by thin head (silt and gravel) deposits.

Well or borehole construction

The well was originally sunk for a household water supply, and subsequently adopted as an observation well after a period of disuse. The well is 0.84 metres in diameter and 31.33 metres deep.

Hydrograph response

The hydrograph has an annual sinusoidal appearance. Annual fluctuations are normally around 10 metres, but as high as 25 metres in some exceptional years. The extreme limits of its fluctuation are constrained by the well construction; with water nearing ground level in wet years and the well effectively drying up in the driest years.

Data issues

Logger installed.


A preliminary risk assessment of the potential for groundwater flooding during the winter of 2007/8 — an update.


At a national level, groundwater level monitoring data is collected and managed by the Environment Agency (England), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland). Access to the data they collect (which includes many monitoring sites beyond those highlighted on these pages) and curate is online in England (DEFRA) and Scotland (SEPA).


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