BGS scientists work on a wide range of multi-disciplinary projects with and for a range of partners and customers:
The BGS has worked with a variety of UK government departments on issues related to water security, water resources, quality and human health. The BGS has a track record of working with international governments and funding agencies.
The BGS has a worked extensively with the water regulators in the UK: the Environment Agency in England, Natural Resources Wales and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. For example we have provided systematic baseline data related to water resource availability and quality to support regulatory activities.
The BGS has provided a wide range of services to UK water industry and worked in collaboration with several water utilities companies. Additionally BGS has worked with a considerable number of consultancies on multi-disciplinary projects and other sectors of the economy. Please contact Sean Burke, Groundwater Directorate Marketing Lead, for more information.
BGS staff have worked extensively on research projects, often in collaboration with the UK and international universities and academic institutions, including the University of Reading, Imperial College London, the University of Birmingham and Lancaster University. This work has been supported by funding bodies such as:
BGS scientists have particularly close working relationship with researchers in the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), one of the BGS' sister Centre-Survey organisations within the Natural Environment Research Council.
We are involved in a number of research networks, including:
We are supervising a number of PhDs funded through the Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) and the BGS University Funding Initiative (BUFI). For general enquiries about doctoral training at BGS e-mail for further information.
The BGS has extensive experience working with NGOs, particularly working on issues that affect the developing world. For example, the BGS has worked with OXFAM and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on issues related to water resource development and availability in sub-Saharan Africa. BGS is involved in a number of projects being funded by the NERC/ESRC/DfID UPGro Programme, e.g. the Africa Groundwater Literature Archive and BRAVE. Please contact Alan MacDonald, International Research Lead, for more information.
In the UK, we play an important role in the working of the UK Groundwater Forum, a network of people and institutions interested in groundwater management issues. The Forum includes, among others, government bodies, researchers, water companies and regulators, and aims to encourage discussion and partnership between the various stakeholders to generate relevant new research and disseminate knowledge. We have run the Secretariat of the Forum since its inception in 1995.
Contact Enquiries for further information.