Hucklow South

Topographic map with hillshade of the area around Hucklow South

This well is used to monitor water levels in the unconfined Carboniferous Limestone aquifer in Derbyshire.

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1969 to 2020 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

Information about the well

Hucklow South
Wellmaster ID SK17/13
NGR 4177 3775
Datum 301.8 m AOD
Monitoring details
Type Groundwater Level
Aquifer Carboniferous Limestone
Confinement Unconfined
Depth 123.6 m
Monitored by EA Midlands
Records commence 1969
Records end 2012

Hydrogeological setting

Geological map of the area around Hucklow South

No superficial deposits are mapped as being present at the site, but 2.4 m of clay and stones (till) were encountered when drilling. Beneath this the borehole passes through 42.1 m of Eyam Limestone Formation and 75.3 m of Monsal Dale Limestone Formation. The borehole ends in about 27 m of volcanic rocks.

The water is unconfined with a large seasonal range of about 25 m. The water level fluctuates between the Eyam and Monsal Dale limestones. The borehole is likely to be fully penetrating, as it is probable that the Litton Tuff and Cressbrook Dale Lava form an effective base to the aquifer.

Well or borehole construction

The length of lining tubes installed in the borehole is unknown.

Hydrograph response

The hydrograph overall has an annual sinusoidal appearance, but more than one peak can occur in a year due to responses to rainfall events.

Topographic map with hillshade of the area around Hucklow South


At a national level, groundwater level monitoring data is collected and managed by the Environment Agency (England), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland). Access to the data they collect (which includes many monitoring sites beyond those highlighted on these pages) and curate is online in England (DEFRA) and Scotland (SEPA).


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