
Location of Aylesby

The well measures water levels in the Chalk aquifer of Lincolnshire.

Our enquiries service can help you to access groundwater level data for this well.


Our groundwater level records for Aylesby start in 1978.


Show data from :-
1978 to 2020 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

Information about the well

Wellmaster ID TA10/63
NGR 5194 4071
Datum 31.25 m AOD
Monitoring details
Type Groundwater Level
Aquifer Chalk
Confinement Unconfined
Depth 101.47 m
Monitored by EA Anglian
Records commence 1978
Records end Active

Hydrogeological setting

This borehole measures water level in the Anglian Chalk. It is drilled through 26 metres of Till deposits into the Burnham Chalk Formation.

Geological map of the area around Aylesby (click for key)

Well or borehole construction

The borehole was drilled as an observation well, and consists of a 152 mm diameter, pvc lined borehole to 24.0 metres and 110 mm diameter hole to 101.47 metres.

Hydrograph response

This hydrograph has an annual sinusoidal pattern, with only a minor direct response to winter rainfall episodes. The annual variation is normally between 7 and 10 metres, with levels fluctuating around 17 m AOD.

During the 1990s levels were distinctly lower in the early and late parts of the decade. This may reflect pumping during this period.

Data issues

Adopted as an index well to replace Keelby Grange (TA11/158), which exhibited an almost identical response, apart from a slightly more pronounced peak at the highest levels, and a geater influence from the presumed pumping in the 1990s.

Borehole has been telemetered by the EA since 1997, with supplementary manual dips.

Topographic map with hillshade of the area around Aylesby


At a national level, groundwater level monitoring data is collected and managed by the Environment Agency (England), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland). Access to the data they collect (which includes many monitoring sites beyond those highlighted on these pages) and curate is online in England (DEFRA) and Scotland (SEPA).


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