Interesting things happen when worlds collide and the zone where surface water and groundwater meet is no different.
Here, nutrients are consumed, unique creatures dwell and water moves down, up and sideways.
The hyporheic zone has a small volume compared to that of the overlying river or underlying aquifer, but it can have a big impact on water quality and ecology.
The Hyporheic Handbook , the product of a NERC-funded Knowledge Transfer Network, states that:
'The groundwater/surface water interface is the transitional zone between the subterranean and surface aquatic environments and it provides a number of ecological goods and services, including:
- controlling the location and flux of water exchange between stream and subsurface
- providing a natural attenuation zone for certain pollutants by biodegradation, sorption and dilution
- providing a habitat for benthic and interstitial organisms
- providing a spawning ground and refuge for certain species of fish
- providing a rooting zone for aquatic plants
- providing an important zone for the cycling of carbon, energy and nutrients
- moderating river water temperature
- providing a sink/source of sediment within a river channel.'
Current and past BGS research aims to improve our understanding of hyporheic zone processes. This includes:
Lapworth, D J, Stolpe, B, Williams, P J, Gooddy, D C and Lead, J R. 2013. Characterization of suboxic groundwater colloids using a multi-method approach. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (6). 2554-2561. 10.1021/es3045778
Palumbo-Roe, B, Wragg, J, and Banks, V. 2012. Lead mobilisation in the hyporheic zone and river bank sediments of a contaminated stream: contribution to diffuse pollution. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12 (10). 1633-1640. 10.1007/s11368-012-0552-7
Lapworth, D J, Stolpe, B, Gooddy, D C, and Lead, J R. 2012. Characterising nanoparticles in sub-oxic environments. In: Interfaces against pollution, Nancy, France, 11–14 June 2012. 192. (Unpublished)
Stuart, M. 2012. Groundwater-surface water interactions. [Lecture] In: Better Thames: Workshop on Groundwater, Reading, UK, 18 April 2012. London, UK, Better Thames. (Unpublished)
Robins, N.S., Jones, M.L.M. 2012. Ecohydrological ‘indicators of alteration’: a robust measure of change in dune slacks. Ecohydrology. 10.1002/eco.1264
Lapworth, D., Gooddy, D., Jarvie, H. 2011. Understanding phosphorus mobility and bioavailability in the hyporheic zone of a chalk stream. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 218 (1-4). 213-226. 10.1007/s11270-010-0636-1
Stuart, M, and Lapworth, D. 2011. A review of processes important in the floodplain setting. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (OR/11/030)
Allen, D J, Darling, W G, Gooddy, D C, Lapworth, D J, Newell, A J, Williams, A T, Allen, D and Abesser, C. 2010. Interaction between groundwater, the hyporheic zone and a Chalk stream: a case study from the River Lambourn, UK. Hydrogeology Journal, 18 (5). 1125–1141. 10.1007/s10040-010-0592-2
Lapworth, D J, Gooddy, D C, Allen, D, and Old, G H. 2009. Understanding groundwater, surface water and hyporheic zone biogeochemical processes in a Chalk catchment using fluorescence properties of dissolved and colloidal organic matter. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, G00F02. 10, pp. 10.1029/2009JG000921
Contact Dr Daren Gooddy for further information.