External links

Other online archives which include groundwater literature on Africa

The following organisations operate online archives which include groundwater literature on Africa. These archives are not dedicated solely to groundwater and/or Africa, but also contain literature on fields such as broader geology or hydrology, and on non-African countries. Some of the documents in these external archives have been indexed in the Africa Groundwater Literature Archive, but many have not.

South African Water Research Commission (WRC)

WRC is a South African research organisation. The WRC's Knowledge Hub indexes and provides access to WRC publications, including research reports, technical and policy briefs, articles in WRC publications, including Water SA, and proceedings of conferences hosted by WRC. Most of the documents are freely available to download once you complete a quick registration process. The Knowledge Hub can be searched by document type and by keyword.

WRC Knowledge Hub

Institut de recherché pour le developpement (IRD)

The IRD is a French research organisation. Its scientific publications are indexed, and in many case full text access is provided, through an online database, which is searchable by keyword.

Publications scientifiques de l'IRD et Centres de documentation

International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC)

IGRAC publications, including papers, reports and maps, are available to freely download from their website. IGRAC also hosts the Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS), an interactive portal for groundwater-related information and knowledge around the world.