Future UK material demand for key decarbonisation technologies
Dataset title | Future UK material demand for key decarbonisation technologies |
Dataset creators | Evi Petavratzi, British Geological Survey Pierre Josso, British Geological Survey |
Dataset theme | Geoscientific Information |
Dataset abstract | The data represents the end results of scenario-based modelling of future UK demand of raw materials used in the deployment of decarbonisation technologies. The sectors considered include batteries, electrolysers, fuel cells, heat pumps, nuclear, photovoltaics, traction motors, and wind turbines. The models project material demands up to 2050 based on government issued targets, future energy scenarios, evolving technologies, material intensities and efficiencies. |
Dataset content dates | Before February 2025 |
Dataset spatial coverage | Not applicable |
Dataset supply format | MS Excel |
Dataset language | English-United Kingdom |
Dataset discovery metadata record | Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record |
Dataset publisher | NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre |
Dataset publication date | 26/02/2025 |
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) | 10.5285/dce6f1f3-3d56-4b0d-9cdb-75db4a03c406 |
Dataset citation text | Petavratzi, E., Josso, P. (2025). Future UK material demand for key decarbonisation technologies. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset). https://doi.org/10.5285/dce6f1f3-3d56-4b0d-9cdb-75db4a03c406 |
Constraints and terms of use | This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]". |
Access the dataset | https://webapps.bgs.ac.uk/services/ngdc/accessions/index.html#item187006 |
Further Information | All foresight reports are available on the CMIC website:
https://ukcmic.org/reports/cmic.html Petavratzi, E, Horn, S, Shaw, R, Josso, P. 2024. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/24/005. 71pp. Petavratzi, E, Josso, P, Shaw, R, Horn, S, Hsu, W-T & Singh, N 2024a. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of traction motors. British Geological Survey CR/24/008N. (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Petavratzi, E, Josso, P, Shaw, R, Horn, S, Hsu, W-T & Singh, N 2024b. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of wind turbines. British Geological Survey CR/24/009N. (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Petavratzi, E, Josso, P, Shaw, R, Horn, S & Singh, N 2024c. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of batteries. British Geological Survey CR/24/007N. (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Petavratzi, E, Josso, P, Shaw, R, Horn, S & Singh, N 2024d. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of photovoltaic cells. British Geological Survey CR/24/006N. (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Zils, M, Einarsson, S, Hopkinson, P 2024a. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of electrolysers. British Geological Survey via University of Exeter Business School (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Zils, M, Einarsson, S, Hopkinson, P 2024b. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of fuel cells. British Geological Survey via University of Exeter Business School (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) Zils, M, Einarsson, S, Hopkinson, P 2024c. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of heat pumps. British Geological Survey via University of Exeter Jackson, R, Kemp, D, Rahman, A, Wilcox, M, Cave, S & Wildblood, R 2024. A UK foresight study of materials in decarbonisation technologies: the case of nuclear. British Geological Survey via Decision Analysis Services Ltd (Keyworth, UK: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.) |