Spatial and temporal datasets for mixing of fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments
Dataset title | Spatial and temporal datasets for mixing of fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments |
Dataset creators | Tegan Havard, University of Liverpool Thomas Jones, Lancaster University Janine Kavanagh, University of Liverpool |
Dataset theme | Geoscientific Information |
Dataset abstract | These spatial and temporal image datasets are of mixing fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments which are described in the paper Analogue experiments to investigate magma mixing within dykes (Havard et al., accepted in Bulletin of Volcanology, February 2025). The experiments are low-temperature analogue models of magma mixing within dykes and are dynamically scaled to the natural system. Seven unique experiments using seven different miscible fluid pairs, representing two magmas of differing composition, were conducted at the University of Liverpool. The miscible fluid pairs are (and the shortened experiment names are): water and diluted glycerol (ExpW1); water and pure glycerol (ExpW2); water and glycerol mixed with golden syrup (ExpW3); water and pure golden syrup (ExpW4); diluted glycerol and pure glycerol (ExpD1); pure glycerol and diluted golden syrup (ExpG1); pure glycerol and pure golden syrup (ExpG2). The experiment setup consisted of the lower density fluid placed above the higher density fluid in the tank apparatus, then the tank was inverted to initiate the interaction between the fluids. The raw data is a temporal series of photographs (JPGs) collected over the course of each experiment located within the subdirectories “Raw”. The raw data is processed using the scripts accompanying the dataset to show how density and mixing evolves spatially and temporally within the slot. Further details are available in the directory metadata file. |
Dataset content dates | 16/12/2021 - 27/04/2023 |
Dataset spatial coverage | Not applicable |
Dataset supply format | Image files (.JPG) Coding files (.m) |
Dataset language | English-United Kingdom |
Dataset discovery metadata record | Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record |
Dataset publisher | NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre |
Dataset publication date | 26/02/2025 |
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) | 10.5285/b0634651-410d-4531-8100-e1d4e2873d9e |
Dataset citation text | Havard, T., Jones, T., Kavanagh, J. (2025). Spatial and temporal datasets for mixing of fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset). |
Constraints and terms of use | This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]". |
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Further Information | Paper in press: Title: Analogue experiments to investigate magma mixing within dykes Authors: Tegan A. Havard, Thomas J. Jones, Janine L. Kavanagh Journal: Bulletin of Volcanology |