
Seismic node data from the Askja Caldera, Iceland, July/August 2023 and July/August 2024

Dataset title Seismic node data from the Askja Caldera, Iceland, July/August 2023 and July/August 2024
Dataset creators Nicholas Rawlinson, University of Cambridge
Tom Winder, University of Iceland
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract This dataset comprises seismic node data from the Askja Caldera, Iceland, which consists of one month of continuous recording in each of July/August 2023 and July/August 2024. A total of 12 nodes were deployed within the ~8km diameter caldera; each unit consists of a 3-component Smartsolo sensor (IGU-16HR 3C) recording at 250sps. The units were buried such that their tops were ~10cm below the surface. The nodes were distributed irregularly in the caldera due to access issues; namely, only portions of the caldera are walkable.

The dataset provided is in standard miniseed format, and has an accompanying dataless file in xml format. The miniseed data is archived in day files under the directories "2023" and "2024", while the xml file is located in the directory "dataless".

The data is of good quality, with both local earthquakes and teleseisms easily detected. The data were collected for the purposes of tracking microseismic activity associated with the recent reinflation event at Aska, and to help facilitate seismic imaging beneath the caldera using both body and surface wave tomography. The data may be of use to other scientists with an interest in earthquake seismology, imaging, and characterisation of geothermal areas near active volcanoes.

The data were collected by the University of Iceland and University of Cambridge, both of who are responsible for interpretation of the data. The archive is complete as it currently stands.
Dataset content dates 18/07/2023 - 28/08/2024
Dataset spatial coverage Askja Caldera, Iceland
65.00191 - 65.08066N
16.58305 - 16.82486 W
Dataset supply format miniseed
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre
Dataset publication date 28/08/2026
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/7f196661-8ab0-4c36-b065-cb519b3fe09d
Dataset citation text Rawlinson, N., Winder, T. (2025). Seismic node data from the Askja Caldera, Iceland, July/August 2023 and July/August 2024. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use Data under embargo until the associated papers are published. Data will be available under Open Government Licence once the embargo has been lifted.
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