
Phosphate and phosphite adsorption data on ferrihydrite precipitates

Dataset title Phosphate and phosphite adsorption data on ferrihydrite precipitates
Dataset creators Abu Saeed Baidya, University of St. Andrews
Joanne Boden, University of St. Andrews
Yuhao Li, University of Alberta
Albertus J.B. Smith, University of Johannesburg
Kurt Konhauser, University of Alberta
Eva E. Stüeken, University of St. Andrews
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract The data show the efficiency of phosphate and phosphite adsorption onto ferrihydrite precipitates that were generated in artificial seawater solutions in the laboratory. The experiments were carried out at pH 7 and pH 8. Solution compositions are provided along with the P data.
Dataset content dates 01/01/2025 - 28/01/2025
Dataset spatial coverage Not applicable
Dataset supply format MS Excel
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre
Dataset publication date 31/01/2025
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/2db2945b-1ba8-4324-bf3a-a8f8b0445139
Dataset citation text Baidya, A.S., Boden, J., Li, Y., Smith, A.J.B., Konhauser, K., Stüeken, E.E. (2025). Phosphate and phosphite adsorption data on ferrihydrite precipitates. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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Further Information Baidya et al. (in review) "Geological and experimental evidence of bioavailable phosphite during the Great Oxygenation Event"