
Field and analytical data from Tipperary CO2 seep, Daylesford, Australia (2017)

Dataset title Field and analytical data from Tipperary CO2 seep, Daylesford, Australia (2017)
Dataset creators Jen Roberts, University of Strathclyde
Andrew Feitz, Geoscience Australia
Andrew Bell, University of Edinburgh
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

This dataset contains:

  1. An excel spreadsheet of field data from Tipperary pool, including CO2 bubble locations, raw and derived flux data, and field description. March 2017 field campaign.
  2. Python scripts for two point correlation function, a spatial statistical method used to describe the spatial distribution of points, and applied to Tipperary pool CO2 bubbling points to determine geological control on their distribution.

As reported in: Roberts, J.J., Leplastrier, A., Feitz, A., Bell, A., Karolyte, R., Shipton, Z.K. Structural controls on the location and distribution of CO2 leakage at a natural CO2 spring in Daylesford, Australia. IJGHGC.

Dataset content dates 01/03/2017 - 01/03/2018
Dataset spatial coverage Daylesford, Australia
Dataset supply format Excel (.xls)
python (.py)
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 16th March 2019
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/fa71e160-8016-4fb8-adab-6087466aaea2
Dataset citation text Roberts, Jennifer J., Feitz, Andrew J., Bell, Andrew F. (2019): Field and analytical data from Tipperary CO2 seep, Daylesford, Australia (2017). British Geological Survey. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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Further information Link to the research article:
Link to blogs about the research:
Link to the UKCCSRC who funded Roberts' research: