
London Gateway Project Geophysics Archive for offshore surveys undertaken in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011

Dataset title London Gateway Project Geophysics Archive for offshore surveys undertaken in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011
Dataset creators Wessex Archaeology
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

These data comprise four phases of geophysical survey carried out in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011, covering various areas within the Thames Estuary as part of an overarching archaeological investigation called the London Gateway project (2001-2020) ahead of planned dredging works.

88635_49575_2002 - Area of sidescan sonar data within the Thames Estuary (shell haven) area. The data were acquired in OSGB36 British National Grid coordinates and covers the area:
Top Left - 570395.312500 E, 183444.953125 N,
Top Right - 604097.250000 E, 183444.953125 N,
Bottom Right - 604097.250000 E, 177590.140625 N,
Bottom Left - 570395.312500 E, 177590.140625 N.

88635_61207_2007 - Geophysical survey comprising sidescan sonar data acquired over 13 separate wreck sites. Corresponding MBES data were acquired previously in 2005 and are deposited with the UKHO. SSS data comprise a total of 83 .xtf files with 2 channels. Acquired in WGS84 UTMz31N coordinates. 400 KhZ frequency. Range 50 m. Sensor positions rather than ship positions for each line in metadata. Each wreck location is centred on (UTMz31N):

Amethyst - 364468 E, 5708659 N;
Ancient - 325490 E, 5708230 N;
Argus - 359499 E, 5706071 N;
Ash - 360905 E, 5706497 N;
Atherton - 359708 E, 5706186 N;
Dynamo - 401449 E, 5743755 N;
EastOaze - 362786 E, 5707385 N;
ErnaBoldt - 403551 E, 5746997 N;
Letchworth - 357544 E, 5705592 N;
London - 343115 E, 5707365 N;
Pottery - 346619 E, 5706276 N;
SS Storm - 406001 E, 5747115 N;
Unknown wreck - 375530 E, 5714052 N.

88635_61208_2008 - Geophysical survey comprising sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder data over a single wreck site. SSS data comprise a total of 7 .xtf files with 2 channels. 400 KhZ frequency. Range 50 m. Acquired in WGS84 Geographic coordinates. Sensor positions rather than ship positions for each line in metadata. Wreck location in WGS84 UTMz31N:
Aisha - 363982 E, 5707656 N.

88635_79800_2011 - Geophysical survey comprising magnetometer, sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder data undertaken over three separate blocks; Area 9to11, Area 26to36 and Area 105.
Area9to11:332980 E, 5708675 N; 332980 E, 5708226 N; 338586 E, 5707813 N; 338681 E, 5708242 N.

Area26to36:339693 E, 5708096 N; 339571 E, 5707680 N; 345670 E, 5706229 N; 350490 E, 5706371 N; 350338 E, 5706838 N; 345680 E, 5706685 N.
Area105:383734 E, 5719704 N; 384035 E, 5719369 N; 385920 E, 5720804 N; 385619 E, 5721134 N.

Where corresponding multibeam echosounder data were acquired, these data have been archived with the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO).

Overarching full archaeological investigation, including results of the assessment of these data, and technical reports are archived with the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) (

Dataset content dates 14/11/2002 - 24/11/2011
Dataset spatial coverage Thames estuary
Dataset supply format CSV, XLS, XTF
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 5th January 2021
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/f5368c62-1cfa-4c78-8feb-97a5a06b4eda
Dataset citation text Wessex Archaeology (2021): London Gateway Project Geophysics Archive for offshore surveys undertaken in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011. British Geological Survey. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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