
VOLCano ANalogues Search (VOLCANS) datasets used to parameterise the Aluto event tree model

Dataset title VOLCano ANalogues Search (VOLCANS) datasets used to parameterise the Aluto event tree model
Dataset creators Pablo Tierz, British Geological Survey
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

Electronic Supplementary Material: "Event trees and epistemic uncertainty in long-term volcanic hazard assessment of rift volcanoes: the example of Aluto (Central Ethiopia)", by Tierz, P., Clarke, B., Calder, E. S., Dessalegn, F., Lewi, E., Yirgu, G., Fontijn, K., Crummy, J. M., and Loughlin, S. C., submitted to Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

The datasets contain volcanological data on analogue (i.e. similar) volcanoes of Aluto volcano (Ethiopia), including conditional probabilities of eruption size, number of eruptions with specific volcanic phenomena reported and values of volcano analogy calculated using the VOLCano ANalogues Search tool (VOLCANS, Tierz et al., 2019,

These type of data can be used to parameterise event tree models (e.g. Newhall and Hoblitt, 2002,; Marzocchi et al., 2010, and, thus, quantify volcanic hazard at a particular volcano of interest, including the relevant sources of uncertainty.

The production of the datasets was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council project: Rift Volcanism: Past, Present and Future (RiftVolc). Grant NE/L013460/1.

Dataset content dates 1st January 2018 – 29th May 2020
Dataset spatial coverage Not applicable
Dataset supply format Comma Separated Values
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 8th June 2020
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/f46c19aa-535f-4631-a032-60a2fc825a42
Dataset citation text Tierz, P. (2020): VOLCano ANalogues Search (VOLCANS) datasets used to parameterise the Aluto event tree model. British Geological Survey. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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Further information Event trees and epistemic uncertainty in long-term volcanic hazard assessment of rift volcanoes: the example of Aluto (Central Ethiopia)", by Tierz, P., Clarke, B., Calder, E. S., Dessalegn, F., Lewi, E., Yirgu, G., Fontijn, K., Crummy, J. M., and Loughlin, S. C., submitted to Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.