
Hydrostatic compressive tests on carbonates samples from Apulian Carbonate Platform at Pontrelli Quarry, Italy

Dataset title Hydrostatic compressive tests on carbonates samples from Apulian Carbonate Platform at Pontrelli Quarry, Italy
Dataset creators Eliza Panza, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Marcus Dobbs, British Geological Survey
Audrey Ougier-Simonin, British Geological Survey
Fabrizio Agosta, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

This dataset contains experimental hydrostatic testing data with ultrasonic surveys and acoustic emission data as outlined in "Panza, E., Agosta, F., Rustichelli, A., Vinciguerra, S. C., Ougier-Simonin, A., Dobbs, M., & Prosser, G. (2019). Meso-to-microscale fracture porosity in tight limestones, results of an integrated field and laboratory study. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 103, 581-595,".

The data is provided in a .zip folder containing 11 files, with 10 files for each mechanical tests and 1 containing all the geophysical data recorded and calculated; accompanied by a README file for introduction. Files format is Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) and data are tabulated. Each file contains the corresponding relevant sample's details, and each column of data is clearly labelled, units included. For each experiment, mechanical dataset recorded time, axial force, axial displacement, axial stress, confining displacement, confining pressure, axial strains A and B, circumferential extensometer, and internal temperature. Physical dataset recorded sample's dimensions, density, compressional (P) wave arrival time and shear (S1, S2) wave arrival times; details of calculated velocities and elastic parameters are also given.

Ten right cylindrical samples of limestone from the Altamura Formation sampled at Pontrelli Quarry were tested in hydrostatic compression at a range of confining pressures (Pc = σ1= σ2= σ3) from 0 to 50, or 80 MPa, at 2 MPa/min. Samples were cored either horizontal (H) or vertical (V) that is respectively sub-parallel and sub-orthogonal to bedding; the orientation is indicated in the sample's ID. Ultrasonic velocity measurements were performed at Pc = 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 MPa, and then at steps of 10 MPa up to the maximum Pc value. Each sample was tested oven dried (ca. 12 hours at 40 °C followed by cooling in a desiccator for 1 hour; all prior to the hydrostatic compression). All tests were conducted at room temperature.

The experiments were conducted by Dr E. Panza, M. Dobbs and Dr A. Ougier-Simonin using the MTS815 Rock Testing System in triaxial configuration in the Rock Mechanics and Physics Laboratory of the British Geological Survey. All responsible for the collection and initial interpretation of the data.

Dataset content dates 09/03/2015 to 17/03/2015
Dataset spatial coverage Not applicable
Dataset supply format MS Excel
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre
Dataset publication date 21/09/2023
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/b1f5675b-d6c5-4751-8570-4a3d88a02ec8
Dataset citation text Panza, E., Dobbs, M., Ougier-Simonin, A., Agosta, F. (2023). Hydrostatic compressive tests on carbonates samples from Apulian Carbonate Platform at Pontrelli Quarry, Italy. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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Further Information Panza, E., Agosta, F., Rustichelli, A., Vinciguerra, S. C., Ougier-Simonin, A., Dobbs, M., & Prosser, G. (2019). Meso-to-microscale fracture porosity in tight limestones, results of an integrated field and laboratory study. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 103, 581-595,