
Trace metal, lead isotopes and organic pollutants of Nairobi slum sediments

Dataset title Trace metal, lead isotopes and organic pollutants of Nairobi slum sediments
Dataset creators Christopher H. Vane, British Geological Survey
Alexander W. Kim, British Geological Survey
Raquel A. Lopes dos Santos, British Geological Survey
Vicky Moss-Hayes, British Geological Survey
Simon R. Chenery, British Geological Survey
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

Surface sediment geochemistry data comprised of:1) trace metals; 2) Pb isotope ratios; 3) organic pollutants (pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons and organochlorines and microtox bioassay). Sediments were collected from sites situated along Nairobi, Mathare and Ngong Rivers, Nairobi, Kenya on January 16th, 2020.

This data is published in the following research paper which should be cited;

Vane, C.H., Kim, A.W., Lopes dos Santos, R.A., Gill, J.C., Moss-Hayes, V., Mulu, J.K., Mackie, J.R., Ferreira, A.M.P.J., Chenery, S.R. and Olaka, L.A., 2022. Impact of organic pollutants from urban slum informal settlements on sustainable development goals and river sediment quality, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Applied Geochemistry, 146: 105468.

Dataset content dates 01/04/19 – 31/03/22
Dataset spatial coverage Nairobi, Kenya, sites situated along Nairobi, Mathare and Ngong Rivers

Most westerly site at 36.669712 -1.242133
Most easterly site at 36.887653 -1.306897
Dataset supply format MS Excel
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre
Dataset publication date 06/04/2023
Dataset digital object identifier (DOI) 10.5285/a0447831-fcd8-4afd-94d5-681a4bcf5cd4
Dataset citation text Vane, C.H., Kim, A.W., Lopes dos Santos, R.A., Moss-Hayes, V., Chenery, S.R. (2023). Trace metal, lead isotopes and organic pollutants of Nairobi slum sediments. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. (Dataset).
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
Access the dataset
Further information

Vane, C.H., Kim, A.W., Lopes dos Santos, R.A., Gill, J.C., Moss-Hayes, V., Mulu, J.K., Mackie, J.R., Ferreira, A.M.P.J., Chenery, S.R. and Olaka, L.A., 2022. Impact of organic pollutants from urban slum informal settlements on sustainable development goals and river sediment quality, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Applied Geochemistry, 146: 105468.

This data is part of the BGS International NC programme ‘Geoscience to tackle Global Environmental Challenges’, NERC reference NE/X006255/1 and the sub-project Observatories in Urban Systems (OPUS - Soils and Sediments Task) NEE7946NOD.