Tellus South West airborne geophysical data (2014)
Dataset title | Tellus South West airborne geophysical data (2014) |
Dataset creators | British Geological Survey |
Dataset theme | Geoscientific Information |
Dataset abstract |
The TellusSW project acquired airborne geophysical data for SW England during the second half of 2013. The survey comprised a high resolution magnetic/magnetic gradient survey combined with a multichannel (256 channel) radiometric survey. The survey was carried out using 200 m (N-S) line separations at a mean elevation of 91 m. Encompassing the counties of Cornwall and parts of Devon and Somerset, the survey provided 60,323 line-km of data. The data are supplied in ASCII format and georeferenced maps of the geophysical data and their derivatives (useful for interpretation) are provided to facilitate spatial understanding and modelling of the soil, lithological, geological and environmental aspects of the data. The dataset provides a useful exploration resource for academic/educational resource in relation to geoscience studies in the SW of England. Glossary Radiometric: Gamma ray spectroscopy measuring the ground content of natural and man-made radionuclides (radioactivity). Lithological: The description of the macroscopic features of a rock, e.g. its texture, structure, mineralolgy. |
Dataset content dates | 2014 |
Dataset spatial coverage | The TellusSW airborne geophysical data for SW England cover the counties of Cornwall, Devon and parts of Somerset. |
Dataset supply format | The TellusSW data for SW England are available for free as a digital download; either as ASCII format csv files or georegistered images on the landing page or as component parts of other free NERC-BGS data portals and viewers. |
Dataset language | English-United Kingdom |
Dataset discovery metadata record | Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record. Also available as ISO19115/19139 XML. |
Dataset publisher | British Geological Survey |
Dataset publication date | May 2014 |
Dataset digital object identifier (DOI) | doi:10.5285/73848363-57c1-480a-a64e-c732e15c4b37 |
Dataset citation text | When using the DOI in subsequent publications please include the author(s) and date within the text and the full DOI citation in the references section e.g. '(Beamish et al. 2014)' in the text and 'Beamish, D., Howard, A., Ward, E.K., White, J., Young, M. E. (2014) Tellus South West airborne geophysical data. NERC-Environmental Information Data Centre. Doi: 10.5285/73848363-57c1-480a-a64e-c732e15c4b37' in the references section. |
Constraints and terms of use |
The TellusSW data for SW England are available for free as a digital download; either as ASCII format csv files, georegistered images on the landing page or as component parts of other free NERC-BGS data portals and viewers: The TellusSW downloads are delivered under the Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: "Contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC [year]". Free for commercial, research and public use. Acknowledge the material. |
Access the dataset | |
Further information | |