
3d laser scan of British Geological Survey GSM 118410, Plesiosaurus megacephalus; detail of underside of skull

Dataset title 3d laser scan of British Geological Survey GSM 118410, Plesiosaurus megacephalus; detail of underside of skull
Dataset creators British Geological Survey
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

3d model of a plaster cast housed in the collections of the British Geological Survey in Keyworth, Nottingham. The original specimen (Bristol City Museum Cb 2335) is the holotype for the species but was destroyed in 1940. A number of other casts are known to exist. This cast is somewhat unusual in having a detachable section of rostrum, held in place by iron straps bolted to the matrix.

Dataset content dates c. 1858 - present
Dataset spatial coverage England, Somerset
Dataset supply format

OBJ.ZIP   Wavefront Object Format (zipped)
PLY.ZIP   Stanford Triangle Format (zipped)

Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Yet to be published.
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 22/04/2015
Dataset digital object identifier (DOI) doi:10.5285/224dfa9f-d793-43ad-a454-6bd95f8b6eb2
Dataset citation text 3d laser scan of British Geological Survey GSM 118410, Plesiosaurus megacephalus; detail of underside of skull
Constraints and terms of use Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: "Contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC [2015]"
Free for commercial, research and public use. Acknowledge the material.
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