
Bangladesh river bathymetry and seismic surveys

Dataset title Bangladesh river bathymetry and seismic surveys
Dataset creators Professor Greg Sambrook Smith, University of Birmingham
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

This dataset contains data from a river multibeam and seismic survey which took place in 2013 and 2014 at scour sites within the Brahmaputra river basin in Bangladesh. The survey was carried out as part of a joint project between the Universities of Birmingham, Southampton and Exeter. "The sedimentology of fluvial megascours" was a scientific research project funded by NERC. The purpose was to collect the data necessary to validate the first generic numerical model of scour zone stratigraphy that will be widely applicable to a broad range of large rivers. River bed bathymetry data were collected using a multibeam echosounder. Sub bottom seismic profiling data were collected using a surface tow boomer and chirp system. Technical details of the survey are contained in the cruise report of the survey which comprises part of the metadata.

Dataset content dates 13/06/2013 - 04/10/2014
Dataset spatial coverage Bangladesh
Dataset supply format TXT files
SEGY files
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 22/05/2018
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/21394db3-89db-4dd3-bec7-f25913edc919
Dataset citation text Professor Greg Sambrook Smith (2018): Bangladesh river bathymetry and seismic surveys. British Geological Survey.
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council [YEAR]".
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